Climate Fresk Public Workshop
You can’t fix what you don’t understand.
Luckily, the Climate Fresk turns climate science into a game! Played by over 1 million people worldwide, this collaborative workshop allows you to understand the essential issues of climate change in order to take action.
Based on the IPCC report, you’ll learn how the climate functions – as well as the consequences of its disruption. Whether you’re a novice or an expert, you’ll learn a lot in just three hours.
This is how it works:
– The workshop is based on a 42-card game. Each card represents an element, a cause or a consequence of climate change.
– In teams, guided by facilitators, you have to find the cause-effect relationship between the different components of climate change. Collective intelligence will get you from one deck of card to the next!
– This step-by-step reconstruction provides keys to understand the complexity and develop an overview of climate change.
Workshop is 3 hours.
Please arrive on time in order to get the best out of the workshop, joining in the middle will be very disruptive.
Inscription mandatory, click on the link here.
La Fresque du Climat encourage la diffusion rapide et à grande échelle d’une compréhension partagée des enjeux climatiques. Sa raison d’être est d’accélérer la compréhension des enjeux climatiques au niveau mondial pour contribuer à déclencher, au plus tôt, les bascules nécessaires à la préservation du vivant. L’efficacité de l’outil pédagogique, l’expérience collaborative et la licence d’utilisation ont contribué au déploiement exponentiel de la Fresque. Venez vivre cette expérience immersive en anglais au Quai des possibles !
Entrée libre à partir de 5€ !
Pour vous inscrire, cliquez ici. Pour profiter des tarifs préférentiels, de nos offres, et soutenir le projet du Quai, cliquez ici.